Thursday, August 30, 2012

U.S. grain markets atwitter as crop tour tweets fuel rally

(Reuters) - When U.S. grain markets suddenly began moving higher last Monday morning, traders pointed to tweets from an annual crop tour that detailed the damage, both in words and pictures, of the worst drought to hit the United States in 56 years.

Tweets from the southeast corner of South Dakota, where few traders ever venture, were particularly telling. The drought, which has devastated corn and soybeans in the Midwest farm belt, was not thought to have caused as much damage there. Tour participants used Twitter to tell their followers how wrong they were.

When the tweets began flying under the category #pftour12, traders began taking positions in the futures markets at the Chicago Board of Trade in a way not seen before in the 20-year history of the Pro Farmer Midwest Crop Tour, which gives industry players a chance to see crop conditions first hand.

"Lots of missing ears, and the ones we found were tiny!" shouted a tweet from Lincoln County in far southeast South Dakota that was published on the Twitter account of, the online home of Pro Farmer, an agricultural advisory firm.

The tweet linked to a photo showing stunted corn ears that were missing kernels, a sight so unusual that it prompted a follower to reply asking whether there was a nuclear reactor nearby.

Country Hedging, a brokerage, had one employee tweeting on each of the crop tour's eastern and western legs to keep clients informed as the tour traveled through seven states to inspect fields.

The company felt the tour "would be extremely important because of the situation the crop was under and that the world would be watching much more closely," said Lonnie Wells, an associate for Russell Consulting Group and longtime financial advisor who tweeted for the first time on the tour.

Country Hedging owns Russell.

"I think people are dying to have some boots on the ground," Wells told Reuters on the tour last week.

"People can follow along almost like they were in the car with you," he said, referring to the way tour participants ride in cars from field to field to inspect corn and soybeans.


Indeed, the number of people following tweets from the tour was higher than ever this year, participants said. Pro Farmer also registered a record number of physical participants.

Pro Farmer Editor Chip Flory's following on Twitter increased to more than 2,400 on Tuesday from 2,165 on Monday, when the tour began, because he was tweeting from the fields.

Flory, who tweets under the handle @ChipFlory, marveled on the social media site about the early start to the corn harvest in Nebraska and noted how non-irrigated fields were much worse off than irrigated fields.

He said he tweeted to share information from the road and publicize the tour.

"Some of the newer users on Twitter may be looking at the crop tour as their first opportunity to put something meaningful out there," he said.

Still, Flory worries about impacting grain prices with his tweets. Outside of the crop tour, he limits his tweets during active trading hours.

Many users approach Twitter cautiously because they do not always know the true identity of the author of the tweets they are reading.

Still, the tour's findings whipsawed markets as various tweets from crop scouts either topped or fell short of trade expectations.


Well-known grain analyst Doug Jackson of brokerage INTL FCStone emailed clients a daily round-up of tour-related tweets that kept them abreast of the running conversation online.

Brian Grete, a senior market analyst for Pro Farmer, maintained a stream of commentary online. Passing a corn field in Blackford County in eastern Indiana, he tweeted it was "a whole lot of ugly -- 3 feet tall and lacking ears".

Peter Meyer, senior director of agricultural commodities for PIRA, tweeted from the tour that "Indiana a mess".

Later, he told his more than 1,300 Twitter followers that he spoke to a farmer in central Illinois who said "all his corn has blown over. The entire farm".

"Some of the run-up in the markets this (last) week has been because of that information, maybe not exclusively because of Twitter, but information from the tour in general," said Jason Holthaus, a market analyst for Country Hedging who was not on the tour.

"Traders are getting information faster," he said.

(Additional reporting by Karl Plume in Chicago; editing by Andrew Hay)


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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Oil, Power and Democracy in Iraq: Can They Be Reconciled?

The following article was written by Keith Myers* of Richmond Energy Partners and was first published on the Revenue Watch Institute website on 9th May 2012.

Can the Iraqi parliament overcome sectarian rivalries and fears to fulfill its role as a legislative and oversight body? Having led a series of workshops with members of parliament over the past nine months, there are glimmers of hope, but it is hard to be anything other than pessimistic.

Iraq has over 150 billion barrels of oil reserves, placing it among the top four oil-rich nations in the world, alongside Iran, Saudi Arabia and Venezuela. Iraq could become the largest incremental source of oil supply for world markets over the next decade. This oil generated $90 billion in revenues in 2011, and Iraq has the potential to quadruple production from the approximately 2.5 million barrels it now produces daily, to more than 10 million barrels a day?a rate on par with Saudi Arabia. Oil accounts for 93 percent of Iraqi government revenue and its management and fair distribution are central to political discourse. Yet, Iraq has been hindered by its inability to agree upon key policies and pass the legislation needed to manage its oil, such as an oil and gas law and a revenue management law which were first tabled in parliament in 2007, four years after the removal of Saddam Hussein.

The transparency initiatives that Western governments and NGOs champion as a solution to mismanagement and corruption are well-intentioned but miss the real issue Iraqis are struggling with: how power is distributed and exercised within the Iraqi state.

In a petro-state, whoever controls the oil, controls the power. The political conflict in Iraq boils down to how control over oil should be allocated. The 2005 Constitution envisions a federal Iraq that divides power between a federal government, state-level governates and the semi-autonomous Kurdish region?a balance of power that would prevent a return to dictatorship, with no individual or faction having a monopoly control of Iraq?s oil.

Since the last election and the formation of the Maliki-led coalition government, a strong Kurdish regional government has evolved alongside a dysfunctional and increasingly autocratic federal government in Baghdad. The governates, seeing the benefits that autonomy has brought the Kurds, want it for themselves, or at least a larger share of oil revenues.

The conflict between the ?centralizers,? who see the federal government as the ultimate national authority, and the ?devolvers,? who view the federal government as having more limited powers and being accountable to the regions and governates, has manifested in the inability of the parties to agree upon the necessary oil and gas and petroleum revenue laws. These laws are fundamental to how Iraq generates and distributes revenue, and drafts of both have been in parliament since 2007. The Constitution is key, as it is meant to define how power is distributed in the Iraqi state, and it is constantly referenced by parliamentarians. However, its open-ended language leaves room for interpretation on critical policies and issues, highlighting the need for a supreme court to interpret constitutional matters and a federal forum for determining policy that includes Kurdistan and the governates.

There is also an ideological component to political divisions. Some ?devolvers,??particularly Western-educated ?migr?s who often return with a liberal economic agenda?favor privatization, while ?centralizers? prefer to maintain state participation throughout the energy sector.

After three workshops over nine months, I find it hard to be optimistic that a resolution is in sight. On day two of the third workshop, an independent Shia MP, a respected Sheikh who has been critical of the government, failed to join us in the meeting room. His house had been bombed overnight. After confirming that no one was hurt, he rejoined the meeting, stoic but shaken. He spoke no English, but was clearly well-respected by his colleagues for his commitment to service, demonstrated in his constructive contributions to the workshop. The day before his house was bombed, he had told a joke about a Kurdish language teacher working in Baghdad who translated the Kurdish word for ?would? for his students?translating it instead as the Arabic word for ?shouldn?t.? ?But surely it means ?would,?? the teacher was asked. ?Yes,? the teacher said, ?but in Iraq what you would do, you shouldn?t.?

It?s a feeling of helplessness that was striking to our Jordanian facilitator, who noted that the MPs knew what was wrong, but felt powerless to effect any change. Asked what advice they would give to Libya following the revolution there, one female MP said, ?Look at what we have done and do the opposite.?

There are some causes for hope, however. When working in small multi-party groups, individual MPs agreed on many key issues. The high proportion of MPs who are women?six out of 12 in the third workshop?was encouraging, and these legislators took the lead in choosing one of the three draft bills to push forward. It was a welcome show of equitable leadership in a country where only one government minister is a woman.

The political challenges can seem intractable and it?s hard to imagine a resolution of the current legal and regulatory vacuum anytime soon. It may take a new government and an amended Constitution, or even a new generation of leaders, decades down the line, to fix the problems of Iraq?s post-dictator oil power structure. This is a lesson for the countries of the Arab Spring.

*Keith Myers is a London based oil analyst, managing partner of Richmond Energy Partners and a Revenue Watch Institute Advisory Board member.


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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Kansas Charity Executive Charged With $2-Million in Medicaid Fraud

The former chief financial officer of a Kansas health-care organization has been charged with siphoning more than $2-million in Medicaid money from the organization, The Topeka Capital-Journal writes.

Federal prosecutors claim that Jason Sellers, 43, of Lyndon, Kan., diverted Medicaid payments to Kansas Health Solutions, a nonprofit group contracted by the state to administer mental-health services, to a shell consulting company he created.

According to a criminal complaint filed in U.S. District Court last week, the firm, Advanced Business Consulting, fraudulently billed the charity for information-technology services. Mr. Sellers allegedly also billed Kansas Health Solutions for sports gear and uniforms for teams with which he was involved, computer equipment for a school, and personal funds.

Mr. Sellers, who left Kansas Health Solutions in August 2011 amid a state probe of the alleged theft, was charged with a single count of wire fraud and faces up to 20 years in prison. The article did not include a comment from him.


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Monday, August 27, 2012

Conventions, justice, and mercy

A Christian Science perspective.

By Rosalie E. Dunbar,?Senior editor for the Christian Science magazines / August 27, 2012

During her lifetime, Monitor founder Mary Baker Eddy witnessed many elections, even the first political primaries when individual parties put up more than one candidate for consideration. She lived through the Civil War, the fallout from three presidential assassinations, and got a good look at national and local leaders of varying political views. All of these observations, plus her spiritual insight into the mental influences that can lead someone to succumb to pride, fear, dishonesty, greed, led to a very clear-eyed view of leaders and governments.

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In an address she gave in 1898, she urged her listeners, ?Pray for the prosperity of our country,... that justice, mercy, and peace continue to characterize her government, and that they shall rule all nations. Pray that the divine presence may still guide and bless our chief magistrate, those associated with his executive trust, and our national judiciary; give to our congress wisdom, and uphold our nation with the right arm of His righteousness? (?Christian Science versus Pantheism,? p. 14).

Through the years, many have called for prayer in times of national crisis, and this only reinforces the timelessness and timeliness of Mrs. Eddy?s statements. Given the doubts about US government and Congress that many Americans have voiced, such prayer can help turn the ship of state into healthier waters.

Justice, mercy, peace, and wisdom are qualities I often look for when examining my own thoughts about government. Am I exercising justice toward government officials, or am I jumping to conclusions with only some of the facts? This is where something Christ Jesus said in his Sermon on the Mount can be helpful: ?Don?t condemn others, and God won?t condemn you. God will be as hard on you as you are on others!? (Matthew 7:1, 2, Contemporary English Version). A sobering thought. It naturally leads to letting one?s own desire for mercy reveal a willingness within to exercise mercy toward others.

It isn?t always easy to pull back from judging political figures, especially when it is such a national pastime! Justice and mercy, however, would argue for a kinder look at our national leaders and the officials in our local communities. That doesn?t necessarily mean approving of their policies, but it does require recognizing that each person is, in essence, the son or daughter of God. As God?s creation, you, I, and everyone are subject to the government of divine Love and the divine law articulated in the Bible. And we are sustained and strengthened by relying on Love?s law.

The Ten Commandments and Jesus? Sermon on the Mount form the core of this law, and the surrounding stories and experiences in the Bible reveal how that law can be applied to one?s daily life. To embrace these laws and let them form the essence of our thinking is to embrace justice, mercy, peace, and wisdom ? and to make them our own. When they form our thoughts and prayers, they enable us to get past negative news reports or uncharitable e-mails to see the need to truly love and not condemn, to value and appreciate goodness wherever it appears, and to see this goodness as universal.


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Sunday, August 26, 2012

Watch Neil Armstrong Make His Historic Step on to the Moon [Video]

Whether you've seen it, or especially if you somehow haven't, watch this historic footage of Neil Armstrong stepping on the moon and just think about it for a few minutes. That is a man—a real man—and he is stepping on the moon. On the moon. The man may be gone, but his legend is timeless. What have you done today? [YouTube] More »


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Hormel Institute receives $1.7 million for skin cancer study | Stem ...

By Kay Fate The Post-Bulletin, Austin MN

AUSTIN A five-year federal grant totaling more than $1.7 million has been awarded for skin cancer research led by Dr. Rebecca Morris, leader of the stem cells and cancer section at the Hormel Institute.

Morris, whose research uses adult, non-human stem cells, has been working to identify stem cell-regulating genes for 10 years. She now has found a gene that appears to be linked to stem cell numbers and helping to protect against skin tumor development.

The gene also might have an immune function in the skin that can fight bacteria and protect against environmental damage. As stem cell research leads to discoveries to improve health, these cells can be obtained through various ways such as from adult tissue stem cells or through bio-engineering to avoid the ethical issues of how to secure stem cells for treatment.

The new project, funded through 2017, will further Morris? research on that gene and the idea that, through using the gene, stem cells could be used to function as a way to protect the body.

The down side of stem cells is that they seem to be targets for cancer development, Morris said.

This is exciting for us because a gene whose function is to protect may do double duty by regulating stem cell activity related to the immune system, she said. If we can identify this gene, then maybe we could find a way to turn off the stem cells if theyre growing too fast, such as in cancer and other diseases involving too rapid cell growth.

With the title Identification of a Keratinocyte Stem Cell Regulatory Gene in the KSC2 Locus, the project is funded through the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases, part of the National Institutes of Health.

The key is to find the genes that control the number and growth potential of epidermal stem cells, Morris said. Then scientists could create more stem cells or make them grow faster, for example, to heal an ulcer or the thinning of skin from aging.

Morris, who joined the institute in 2008, focuses her research on stem cells responsible for healing wounds, maintaining normal tissue integrity and cancer. Her lab uses adult stems cells isolated from the skin through a technique Morris developed when she was a post-doctorate at MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston.

Follow this link:
Hormel Institute receives $1.7 million for skin cancer study

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Thursday, August 23, 2012

To Obama, campaign is barely ahead in 4th quarter

NEW YORK (AP) ? President Barack Obama sees the presidential contest as a clutch moment in his favorite sport ? the fourth quarter of a taut basketball game.

Fundraising with the help of current and former National Basketball Association stars, Obama told a small group of donors gathered Wednesday night at Alice Tully Hall in Lincoln Center that the current campaign is like the final minutes of a basketball contest with his team up by a few points.

"But the other side is coming strong," Obama said. "And they play a little dirty. We've got a few folks on our team in foul trouble. We have a couple of injuries. And I believe they have one last run in them."

Obama raised $3 million with the help of the players, who included former Chicago Bulls player Michael Jordan and former New York Knicks Walt Frazier and Bill Bradley. NBA Commissioner David Stern also was there.

Invoking Jordan's competitive nature, Obama concluded, "If you have seven minutes to go and you have a little bit of a lead, that's when you put them away."

The players were part a daylong fundraiser. Earlier, former and current players participated in a $250-per-person autograph session and in a skills camp priced at $5,000 for two people.

"It is very rare that I come to an event where I'm like the fifth or sixth most interesting person," Obama joked at the Lincoln Center dinner.

Later, Obama changed out of his dark suit to shoot baskets with some of the players out of sight of the press. Obama, an avid basketball fan and a player, made a splash during his 2008 campaign by sinking a 3-point shot while visiting troops in Kuwait. His most recent star-studded game, also played in private, featured actors George Clooney and Tobey Maguire.


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Monday, August 20, 2012

Easy Tips and Tricks to Get Small Business Accounting Right ...

Making errors in your accounting can have serious implications for any business, reminiscent of vital fines for suspected tax evasion. For a big corporation, this will harm each the funds and the repute of the company. For a small business however, it could possibly have a huge impact and presumably even cause the corporate to go below, if there's not enough money to pay the fines.

Good accounting is due to this fact important right from the very start. Many small business homeowners believe that they don't must do any form of accounting, or do only basic bookkeeping, however that is wrong. It's vital for every business, regardless of its dimension, to start out accounting from the second it starts trading. Merely maintaining maintain of customer receipts and invoices will not be enough, the business must arrange a easy however thorough system to document all transactions made and to supply experiences as and when needed. Getting off to an excellent begin with accounting will set your enterprise up for long-time period success.

Once you launch your small business, open a separate checking account for it. It isn't unusual for sole merchants for example to simply use their personal checking account for his or her business however this then makes it unimaginable, or no less than extremely tough and time-consuming, to carry out a reconciliation, which is a verify to make sure that the determine your bookkeeping tells you have to be in the account is certainly the quantity in the account.

Reconciling your books and accounts repeatedly, reminiscent of weekly or month-to-month, is a great way to keep away from accounting errors. This manner if the figures don't add up you'll have extra chance of being able to right the mistake. Imagine looking for a small receipt from ten months in the past, for example. That's the form of problem that can occur and be unimaginable to right in the event you only verify your books against your bank right earlier than you need to submit your annual tax return.

Good bookkeeping and accounting reminiscent of producing month-to-month money stream statements not only benefits you in terms of submitting your tax return, which is much simpler when you've all the mandatory figures and documentation already in place, nevertheless it additionally benefits you as a result of you possibly can see if you are overspending on specific objects or services, and predict whether or not you will make a revenue or loss. You may as well begin to see traits, reminiscent of seasonal will increase and reduces in revenue, which can otherwise have gone unnoticed.

Another nice tip is to seek out out if you are entitled to any tax credit as a small business owner. Too many small firms don't realise that they may be able to declare sure bills reminiscent of journey, house office prices and even childcare as untaxed. Make sure to do your research to ensure you usually are not overpaying.

For small businesses who wish to keep their accounts in good order however who perhaps do not have the experience wanted to do their own accounting, there are a few choices to decide on from. It's doable to buy accounting software on-line that will produce experiences for you. These are comparatively low-cost and easy to make use of, however the experiences are only as good because the figures you enter into them so in the event you make an error, it's likely to go unnoticed.

Hiring a small business accountant, however, ensures that your accounts shall be ready by a educated and experienced one that pays meticulous attention to detail. You'll be able to opt for a neighborhood accountant or, to maintain prices down, you will discover an accountant on-line who generally cost decrease fees.

It might be highly really helpful to any small business to rent a small business accountant as a guide right from the start of the method, which supplies them time to familiarise themselves with your enterprise earlier than the busy period on the finish of the tax year. Nonetheless, you wish to ensure that you are working with an accountant who understands your place and may advise on how finest to deal with your funds, so wherever doable opt for somebody who specialises in small business accounting and, ideally, who has already worked with small businesses which can be in the identical trade as you are. In the event you dwell in a big metropolis, accountants are typically readily available with the required background, but when none of your native accountants can provide what you need, then it will be finest to seek out one on-line, rather than opt for somebody who only is aware of how massive firms work.

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4 European | Display Job Materials Program Manager

Job Description:
Reports to EMEA Manager who has over-arching responsibility for manufacturing. This jobholder will be one of a team under that holds responsibility and accountability for product(s) and components within that portfolio.

Builds strong relationships with the outsourced Manufacturing Partner that is based in Poland. For example sourcing, purchasing, material planning etc.

Interacts with the in the business unit using the products, including wider Cisco Manufacturing Community, Planning and Materials, Logistics and Product Operations and so on.

Ensures that supplier delivery metrics are hit by ensuring Cisco manufacturing partners have the right products available for fulfillment at the right time. The jobholder is measured against metrics pertaining to CT2R, cost and supplier satisfaction.

Is a catalyst for change in driving our Supply Chain Excellence goals.

Accountable for supply chain readiness, total cost management and risk mitigation between proto and First Customer Ship (FCS).

Manage total cost and supply continuity risk mitigation throughout product lifecycle.

Prepare the supply chain and manages continuity of material supply, delivery and quality ensuring no shortages, delays or quality issues from proto to FCS.

Utilize appropriate resources and influences sourcing decisions to achieve optimal product cost.

Understand all elements of product cost; validate the integrity of the costed Bill of Material (BOM) and forward costing; able to clearly articulate the main cost drivers, cost reduction and cost avoidance activities.

Manage BOM cost integrity, risk, analysis and communication to the Operations team.

Perform BOM risk analysis, identifying and validating risk parts driving resolution.

Communicate the supply chain strategy to the business unit and Operations teams.

Manage supplier performance and team expectations by proactively driving suppliers to meet or exceed committed performance. Does this by building relationships and trust with suppliers.

Operations can involve occasional out of hours emergency or issue resolution.

Global peers may be in different time zones, so flexibility around that on occasions may be required.

Flexibility can be available in terms of when and where the work is done in line with Cisco policy, Cisco has excellent home working technology for use on occasions. This needs to be balanced with high levels of on-call availability as this role has operational and time sensitive responsibilities and leads issue resolution. The job-holder must be able to manage his / her agenda effectively and efficiently.

Flexibility in terms of the quantity of work or part-time options are unlikely to suit this role.

Technical Skills
Materials management (essential)
Supply chain management experience (essential) Cost management (essential)
Bills of materials knowledge (advantageous)
Commodity knowledge (advantageous)
Planning (advantageous)
Risk management (advantageous)

Soft Skills
Strong negotiation skills. Builds effective partner and vendor relationships (essential)
Stable, balanced opinions, able to see the bigger picture (essential)
Cross-functional influence and high levels of empathy (essential)
Can function effectively in a complex matrixed environment (essential)
Open and effective communication style (essential)
Problem solving and data analysis (essential)
Flexible and adaptable to new ways of working, ideas and such like (essential)

Education and Training
BA/BS or equivalent experience (essential) Technical or MS degree (advantageous)


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Saturday, August 18, 2012

Horses Don't Belong In Congested NYC Streets | Babble Pets

406271 463704727007802 252668819 n 300x300 NYC Carriage Horse Throws Passengers Into Street ? Why Horses Dont Belong In Congested NYC Streets

Horses should not be providing rides in the midst of insane, noisy traffic.

While walking around New York City, every single time I go near Central Park, and Columbus Circle in particular, I cringe. I wince because all you see amidst the countless traffic and pedestrians are carriage horses everywhere, going in and out of noisy car lanes, for the sole purpose of riding people around to have a ?New York experience.? To me, it?s nothing but cruel. I don?t care how many breaks the horses are given and if law enforcement makes sure they are taken off the streets when the temps get too hot: horses shouldn?t be in the middle of midtown traffic day after day. It?s unnatural.

So I wasn?t surprised when I heard that yesterday a horse named Oreo got spooked and became so upset that he unhinged himself from the carriage and took off down the park, tossing two Australian passengers into the street.? He ran and finally collapsed on the street after police shot him with a?tranquilizer, kneeling down, looking utterly pathetic. The photos are heartbreaking. Eventually, the mounted police unit took the horse with them to get checked out by a vet.

The passengers weren?t badly hurt, although the driver did suffer injuries and was taken away via ambulance. Oreo suffered a few scratches and is home at his stable this morning.

On a recent trip to the Central Park Zoo, my middle daughter became very quiet and shared how the sight of the horses having to ride people around was disturbing, and it was. When we left the zoo, I noticed the ASPCA car was parked in the middle of Columbus Circle keeping an eye on the many drivers and horses passing by each minute. I had hoped that they inspected drivers, carriages, and horses, making sure that each was in good condition, but who really knows.

Sneaky drivers will often take a shortcut through the park on days when it?s deemed too hot for horses to be out and attempt to exit the park where there aren?t any police officers to enforce the ruling. It takes a savvy cop to follow them and sometimes they do, and penalize the driver.

Common sense will tell anyone that a horse shouldn?t be subject to those conditions day after day, especially when it?s only done for profit. There is talk again about banning horse-drawn carriages from New York City streets. Scott Levenson, spokesman for New Yorkers for Clean, Livable and Safe Streets, said on Good Day NY this morning that there are 68 medallion carriages and last year, 13 were involved in accidents. That?s quite a percentage. He wants to replace the horses with old-fashioned-looking electric cars.

What do you think? Should horse-drawn carriages be taken off the city streets once and for all? Is it animal abuse? And shouldn?t horses be off enjoying their lives galloping in the country rather than working in the incredibly loud and congested streets of New York City?

Check out Stop Horse Abuse?and to take action, visit

Image: Facebook?


Follow Danielle on?Twitter?and?Facebook?and?Pinterest?(where she maintains an ?Adorable Pups? board), or find her at her blog,?Just Write Mom?and Babble?s?Strollerderby.



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Letters to the Editor for Aug. 17, 2012 | Baker City Herald | Baker ...

Make sure your vote will actually be counted

2012 is an important election year. Last week my family and I learned that just being a registered voter often isn?t enough to make your signature or vote count. In Oregon, registered voters can be labeled ?inactive? if they haven?t voted in five years or if a ballot bounces back to the County Clerk?s office in the mail. If you?re a legally registered yet inactive voter, you no longer have the legal right to sign a petition ? your signature will be invalidated. Other U.S. states have ruled limitations on inactive voters? rights unconstitutional. Not Oregon, though!

If you were vacationing out of the area, deployed with the military, etc. and you think your ballot may have bounced back to the County, please go to the Courthouse and ask to take a look at your voting status. If you?re like some people I?ve spoken with who didn?t turn a ballot in because you didn?t like any of the candidates, you might be inactive. Again, get to the Courthouse and make sure your information is current.?

Your signature on a petition or ballot can also be invalidated if your county clerk views the signature on your voter registration card and decides they don?t match. Telling the clerk in person that you indeed signed the petition will not be considered, nor, according to the Baker County Clerk, will the ?intent? of the signer. All that matters is that your signature is a match to the one on the card. If you registered online your signature ties to the one on your driver?s license, and we all know how different those can look. If you first registered decades or just years ago and your signature has changed, please go sign your card again just to be sure. Your vote and signature are too important to risk this election year.

David McQuisten

Baker City

Focus on educating children, not recalling volunteers

The Baker City Herald?s Editorial Board missed the mark when it characterized the failure of School Board recall supporters to gather sufficient valid signatures (editorial, ?Right to be Cautious,? Aug. 10). The County Clerk?s Office followed a legally mandated signature checking process. This is not a ?delay;? it is the democratic process in action. It is disheartening to read Herald editorials by the staff that continue to support the recall. The majority of registered voters apparently do not support it.

As citizens dedicated to our children and their education and growth, let?s join together to support the goals that our School Board volunteers were elected to implement. The School District goals are to maintain a ?program designed to improve student achievement, support students? academic growth ... encourage their attainment of individual goals and successfully prepare students to function effectively in a rapidly changing world and for the futures they choose to pursue.? Code AE, Adopted 2/19/08, readopted 2/21/12. Let?s focus on developing our children to be future leaders of our community and our nation.

Jim and Mary Tomlinson

Baker City

Government has spending problem, not tax problem

In reading the recent letter, ?Reagan tax cuts made things worse, not better,? I find myself agreeable to the need for a well-informed debate.

First item: Tax cuts for the wealthy. In the early 1960s President Kennedy and a large number of leading Democrats were in agreement that the tax rate reduction would help the country?s economy. Truth is that there was a reduction in tax rates for everyone, not a tax cut. This reduction had indeed proven the outcome of economic stability. We do not have a tax problem, we have a spending problem.

Second item: Lesson from history. This country was built and made great by hard-working people, no matter what level of society they belonged. They did this while government was small and represented the people. The private sector remained strong and free from the overpowering control of the government that was there to represent them. Today the overpowering control of government has left its roots and engulfed our society entirely.

Businesses, including myself, continue to do all that we can to create and maintain jobs for employees and need to be freed up from government regulations and excessive taxes, and allow us to do what we do best ... stimulate the economy and create jobs.

I would ask all government officials to put a stop to overspending.

I am asking in November for all Baker County citizens to join me in voting for Mitt Romney.

Bill Harvey



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Friday, August 17, 2012

Greenland melting breaks record four weeks before season's end

ScienceDaily (Aug. 15, 2012) ? Melting over the Greenland ice sheet shattered the seasonal record on August 8 -- a full four weeks before the close of the melting season, reports Marco Tedesco, assistant professor of Earth and atmospheric sciences at The City College of New York.

The melting season in Greenland usually lasts from June -- when the first puddles of meltwater appear -- to early-September, when temperatures cool. This year, cumulative melting in the first week in August had already exceeded the record of 2010, taken over a full season, according to Professor Tedesco's ongoing analysis.

"With more yet to come in August, this year's overall melting will fall way above the old records. That's a goliath year -- the greatest melt since satellite recording began in 1979," said Professor Tedesco.

This spells a change for the face of southern Greenland, he added, with the ice sheet thinning at its edges and lakes on top of glaciers proliferating.

Professor Tedesco noted that these changes jibe with what most of the models predict -- the difference is how quickly this seems to be happening.

To quantify the changes, he calculated the duration and extent of melting throughout the season across the whole ice sheet, using data collected by microwave satellite sensors. (The National Snow and Ice Data Center provided satellite data from the United States Air Force Defense Meteorological Satellite Program.)

This 'cumulative melting index' can be seen as a measure of the 'strength' of the melting season: the higher the index, the more melting has occurred. (The index is defined as the number of days when melting occurs multiplied by the total area subject to melting.)

Dr. Thomas Mote, Professor of Geography at the University of Georgia and colleague of Professor Tedesco, confirmed that the cumulative melt in 2012 had surpassed that of 2010 using a similar analysis.

The August 8th record differs from NASA's announcement of unprecedented melting in mid-July, reported by Professor Tedesco and other researchers. Then, they found that the Greenland ice sheet had melted over 97 percent of its surface.

"That event was exceptional in the sense that it was an extremely rare event," said Professor Tedesco. "Imagine Rio de Janeiro under a layer of snow and you get the idea."

The extreme melting detected in mid-July, on the other hand, generated liquid water that refroze after a few days. "This changed the physical properties of the snowpack -- making a slushy layer that turned into an icy crust after refreezing -- but very likely it did not add to the runoff of meltwater that makes sea levels rise."

The cumulative melting index, on the other hand, does account for water flowing to the ocean. The same meltwater can affect ice dynamics by lubricating the base of the ice sheet and speeding its slide toward the sea.

This year, Greenland experienced extreme melting in nearly every region -- the west, northwest and northeast of the continent -- but especially at high elevations. In most years, the ice and snow at high elevations in southern Greenland melt for a few days at most. This year it has already gone on for two months.

"We have to be careful because we are only talking about a couple of years and the history of Greenland happened over millennia," cautioned Professor Tedesco. "But as far as we know now, the warming that we see in the Artic is responsible for triggering processes that enhance melting and for the feedback mechanisms that keep it going. Looking over the past few years, the exception has become part of the norm."

The NASA Cryospheric Sciences Program and the National Science Foundation (NSF) sponsored this research.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by City College of New York, via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS.

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Thursday, August 16, 2012

Full-time officials and more crews

Replacement officials take the field at the start of an NFL football preseason game between the Seattle Seahawks and the Tennessee Titans, Saturday, Aug. 11, 2012, in Seattle. (AP Photo/Rick Bowmer)

Replacement officials take the field at the start of an NFL football preseason game between the Seattle Seahawks and the Tennessee Titans, Saturday, Aug. 11, 2012, in Seattle. (AP Photo/Rick Bowmer)

Replacement officials work the sidelines during the first half of an NFL preseason football game between the Carolina Panthers and the Houston Texans in Charlotte, N.C., Saturday, Aug. 11, 2012. (AP Photo/Bob Leverone)

(AP) ? Less than three weeks before the season kicks off, the NFL and the NFL Referees Association are no closer to an agreement to end the lockout of the officials.

As replacement officials work preseason games ? and generally get criticized for their performances ? the league and officials Thursday disputed such issues as full-time employees and adding officiating crews.

On Sept. 5, the Cowboys visit the Giants to open the season. Not since 2001 has the NFL played games that count in the standings with replacement officials, and that was for one week. This lockout began June 3.

The NFL is offering to add three full officiating crews, increasing the total number of officials to 140. League spokesman Greg Aiello said "this would reduce stress on the officials by allowing each official to work fewer games, would reduce travel, would allow us to do more intensive training, integrate younger officials more effectively, increase diversity, and improve quality of officiating."

"The union flatly opposes this proposal ..." Aiello added.

But the NFLRA insists the compensation being offered with such an increase would reduce their pay.

"The increase in the number of officials was first proposed by the NFL to the NFLRA by letter dated July 19, 2012 and had never been mentioned in the preceding 10 months of negotiations," the NFLRA said in a statement. "It is clear that this proposal is a negotiating tactic to attempt to divert attention from the real issues."

Another key issue, one Aiello noted will improve the quality of officiating long term, is hiring full-time officials. The league is proposing having seven officials ? one per position of referee, umpire, line judge, side judge, back judge, field judge, head linesman ? who would train, scout, handle communications, safety issues and rules interpretations year-round. Now, all NFL game officials are part-time employees, with outside jobs ranging from lawyer to teacher to business owner.

"The NFLRA is not opposed to full time officials if they are fairly compensated," the union said Thursday. "While the NFL has never made any compensation proposal, comparable positions in other professional sports at the 20-year level earn approximately $350,000 to $400,000 and are provided health insurance, a pension, time off with pay and numerous other benefits."

The union also disputes the value of the league's current salary offer, which it says would not be a 5 percent to 11 percent increase.

Instead, the officials said the proposal "includes aggregate game fee compensation increases of 2.82 percent per year, not the rates publicly claimed by the league. In fact, the NFL's proposal does not contain any salary schedule. Rather it contains aggregate game fees for all officials to be paid per a schedule to be developed by the NFLRA."

Aiello countered that officials would receive continuing increases in every category of pay, from game fees to travel and meeting fees, and, depending on how the NFLRA decided to allocate the salary pool, individual officials could expect annual increases of between 5 and 11 percent.

Finally, there is a stalemate over the officials' pension plan, which the union said the league plans to freeze and ultimately terminate. The NFLRA offered to "grandfather" the current defined benefit plan only for current officials.

The league is offering a 401(k) plan in which it said its last proposal would provide annual contributions averaging about $20,000.

Associated Press


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Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Buying a Home with a Buyer's Agent ? minnrealtors

When you get ready to buy a home, you want to make sure you?re working with the right real estate agent in Minnesota. You?ve asked friends and family for recommendations, checked out REALTORS? who are knowledgeable in the areas where you want to live and maybe you?ve even interviewed a few people.

You may have noticed that some REALTORS? you?re considering have different letters or designations after their names. These designations apply to extra training and certifications that a real estate agent has received.

What is an ABR in real estate?

One designation is an ABR? ? or an Accredited Buyer?s Representative. An agent who has the ABR? designation has completed extra, specialized training in buyer services. He or she has an established track record of experience with representing home buyers.

When you start working with an agent ? you?ll want to know what his or her ?agency status? is. For many years, agency relationships were only for sellers and real estate agents working with buyers are actually working for the seller. Much of that has changed and that?s why it?s important to talk to your agent or broker about who they?re serving ? are you a buyer-customer or a buyer-client? The Minnesota Association of REALTORS? is happy to help you answer any questions on the rules here in Minnesota.

What to ask an ABR?

Here are some questions the National Association of REALTORS? recommends asking an ABR?:

  • Do you represent buyers, sellers or both?
  • What services are provided to (or excluded from) me, based on my status as a buyer-customer or buyer-client?
  • When does representation begin? When does it conclude?
  • If I?m not ready to commit to your normal term, can you offer me a one-day buyer agency agreement or a 24-hour opt-out clause?
  • How is dual agency addressed in your firm?

Are you an ABR? What do you tell clients?

The Minnesota Association of REALTORS? is the largest professional trade association in the state with more than 19,000 members who are active in all aspects of the real estate industry. REALTORS? are dedicated to home ownership and helping people looking to buy and sell homes in Minnesota.

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Monday, August 6, 2012

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FC Barcelona goals vs Real Madrid (Al ... - Travel and Leisure

Aug 12


Posted by admin on 2012/08/05
Posted in Leisure Video? | Tagged With: analysis, Barcelona, Goals, Jazeera's, Madrid, Real | 24 Comments

All rights belong to Al Jazeera COPYRIGHT STATEMENT: This video is property of FC Barcelona, Mediapro, RTVE, Sky Sports, AL Jazeera FIFA and UEFA. This video is not being used to make money in any way and is for entertainment and leisure purposes only. This is an act of fair usage as described by the Copyright Offices, therefore, a dispute should not occur over this video. Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ?fair use? for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair usetags ? fc barcelona football soccer spain catalunya xavi hernandez lionel messi andres iniesta dani alves david villa pedro rodriguez javier mascherano eric abidal sergio busquets carles puyol isaac cuenca seydou keita euro 2012 fifa 2010 2011 2012 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 200 1999 5 10 20 100 allas allasfcb allas14 jaanus allas victor valdes seydou keita alexis sanchez video compilation creat space new runs dribblings trick skills goal assists video

Osasuna Vs Real Madrid 1-5 All Highlights And Goals COPYRIGHT STATEMENT: This video is property of FC Barcelona,Real Madrid CF, Mediapro La Liga, ESPN,RTVE, Sky Sports, AL Jazeera, LaSexta ,FIFA and UEFA. This video is not being used to make money in any way and is for entertainment and leisure purposes only. This is an act of fair usage as described by the Copyright Offices, therefore, a dispute should not occur over this video. Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for ?fair use? for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use Extra tags: Cristiano Ronaldo C.Ronaldo CR9 compilation vs 2009/2010 Manchester United CR7 07-08 Cristiano Ronaldo Amazing Goal Against Osasuna Osasuna 0-3 Real Madrid Awesome Spin Goal Season Goals Tricks Skills Freestyle Power Ability Top 10 Best World Footballers 2009 Sergio Kun Ag?ero (Atl?tico Madrid) Samir Nasri (Arsenal) Fernando Torres (Liverpool) Zlatan Ibrahimovic (Barcelona) Kaka (Real Madrid)Wayne Rooney (Manchester United) Cesc Fabregas (Arsenal) Ronaldinho (AC Milan)Cristiano Ronaldo (Real Madrid) Lionel Messi (Barcelona) Gianluigi Buffon (Juventus) Iker Casillas (Real Madrid) Petr Cech (Chelsea) Edwin van der Sar (Manchester United) Fabio Cannavaro (Juventus), Rio Ferdinand ?


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Sunday, August 5, 2012

Alleged images of 7-inch iPad shell appear from the east


Hey, did you hear... Apple is making a 7-inch iPad. Well, the top brass at least thought about it, this much we know. What might it look like if it ever comes to be? Well, if you're willing to be a bit skeptical, it might look like the above. These images -- claiming to be legit iPad parts -- popped up on Chinese social media site Sina Weibo. There's little other activity on the account to back up the source, and the omission of a camera hole might irk some, but if these were early parts, then that could be something that is added later. For now, we're left to fill in the gaps with out imagination, which also includes hoping other recent teases might also make the leap into reality.

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Alleged images of 7-inch iPad shell appear from the east originally appeared on Engadget on Sat, 04 Aug 2012 14:15:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Saturday, August 4, 2012

Stand Up Paddle Board: A Perfect Water Sport Tool ? What Ever It Is

Talking about water sport, Stand up paddle board has caught the attention of many water sports lovers. Fans of this sport feel it is a funnier way for improvement of their body balance.
Likewise, people facing mental health issues too find Stand up paddle board very helpful in boosting their mental health. Beginners to this sport, get useful help from paddle boards. These boards are regarded as primary equipment without which you are more likely to miss excitement and thrill of this water sport. Selection of correct kind of board will determine level of exciting moments you get.
With availability of different kinds of paddle boards for sale, finding one meeting your requirements won?t be a difficult job. Judging your requirements beforehand is crucial. For instance, there are some who love to paddle in silent lakes. Similarly, some find storming ocean waves very appealing.
While selecting paddle boards for sale, location where you intend to use it, will influence your decision. For example, if the location in question often witnessed heavy wind, choosing a heavier board is an excellent idea. Similarly, location with smooth and friendly weather warrants you select a lighter board.
The boards offered by branded companies are loaded with advanced features in their products. As a result you can expect to have pleasant surfing experience. In addition, it will enable you to spend great deal of time surfing in the waves. As an accepted standard, select a paddle that is 7 inches taller in height than yours. The length, width and thickness of boards vary from brand to brand and manufacturer to manufacturer. Each board has its own dimension that is suitable for a certain range of water. Beginners to experts, everyone seems to find these boards very affordable because they are reasonable priced. Long lasting performance and wonderful surfing experience is what you get from branded paddles


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Personal Training Perth: Performance Training For Female Athletes ...

In addition to its sports physiotherapy services, i Physio Perth offers 1 on 1 training, under the guidance of registered and qualified physiotherapists. If you are an athlete training for an event, these sessions might even help you achieve your personal best. Personal Training Perth might be of particular benefit to female professional and recreational athletes, who have unique, gender-specific conditioning needs.Who better to address these needs than a 1 on 1 trainer trained in sports physiotherapy?

Looking Back

If you are old enough to recall the fitness centers of the 1970s,? you probably remember that women?s exercise programs had a completely different focus than those designed for the women of today. the coed gym had yet to be invented. Men went to body-building gyms. Women went to figure salons, where the emphasis was on weight loss and the annoyingly unending myth of ?spot reduction? and ?losing inches.? Still, a storm was brewing amongst women who knew that their bodies were capable of performing more than a series of gentle exercises.

The Emergence of the Female Athlete

In the past, a male dominant sport culture had confined Australian women to gentle sports, such as? croquet and tennis. Then, in the 1960s and 1970s, Australian women began to demand equal access in the athletic sphere. these women challenged society?s expectations and took up sports such as horse racing, football and long-distance running.

Female-Specific Sports Medicine Research

In fact, the entire world was changing its views about women and sports. on June 23, 1972, the United States government passed an educational amendment known as Title IX, which prohibited discrimination against females in any public education program. This amendment gave young girls the opportunity to participate in any school athletic program. Title IX increased the number of female athletes, which in turn inspired worldwide sports medicine research about their athletic needs.

Onward to the Olympics

Fast forward to July, 2012 and Australians watch with pride as their female athletes, including Erin Densham and Emma Jackson show the world what Aussie gals are made of. In fact, according to the Australian Olympics website, Australia?s female athletes have won medals at every Olympics since triathlon was introduced in 2000.? Rest assured, a spot-toning routine did not get these women where they are today. A personal training? Perth program at i Physio Perth can help you reach your athletic goals.

Sport-Specific Personal Training Perth for Women

Whilst many women excel in a variety of professional and recreational activities, their female anatomy increases their susceptibility to certain types of injuries. Your trainer would begin with a series of tests and postural assessments, which will help her determine your vulnerability to specific injuries or difficulties in performing certain types of? athletic skills.

Preventing the injury before it happens is the goal of your personal training program. For female professional and recreational athletes, this process often involves strengthening muscles that have been over-stretched, and stretching muscles that are over-worked. In women, the hamstring-quadriceps relationship exemplifies this highly important issue. Your hamstrings should be at least 40 percent as your quadriceps, but in women, the quadriceps often boast an astonishing and disturbing lead. This imbalance leaves your anterior cruciate ligament, usually referred to as the ACL, susceptible to tears. A typical physical therapy program might therefore involve stretching exercises for the quadriceps and strengthening exercises for the hamstrings.

The Female Athlete Triad

Younger female athletes might suffer from what doctors call the ?female athlete triad.? . the syndrome usually begins with under-eating and over-training, which triggers a menstrual disorder called amenorrhea.? This insidious menstrual disorder decreases the athlete?s estrogen level. low estrogen levels, which in turn decreases her bone mineral density. Decreased bone mineral density gives the brittle bones of a menopausal women, which impedes athletic performance and makes her even more prone to injury.

If you notice these symptoms in your daughter, refer her to a?physiotherapist. In this type of scenario, the physio or trainer also serves as an educator, who helps the athlete improve her body image. the trainer will probably prescribe weight-bearing exercises, which will help the athlete maintain her bone density.

If you are a female athlete, you owe to the women who fought for your right to participate in your sport to be the best that you can be. Your personal trainer?Perth will help you do that.

Personal Training Perth: Performance Training For Female Athletes


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Friday, August 3, 2012

The Puppeteer's Gambit

'Get out, get out, get out, get out, GET OUT!' A shock of protests raged from thirteen at one who had forced his way into their number. Elementals all, the space they floated in seemed to be a vast emptiness. The one turned skeletal sockets on the rest, meeting the hostility with naught a tremble. The aspect of death now stood among the aspects of life, and how they screamed. Only one met his joining with nary a whisper, but soon even he would bend to Death's will. Smiling, the intruder answered. 'No.'


Solinus City, that proud coastal jewel, had scarce a warning before disaster struck. The skies darkened, a great weight descending as a growling black storm seemed to simply appear. But then, hurricanes swept in all the time. Storms were no uncommon thing here of all places, and the populace acted with commendable caution. But not a single one could have expected this.

Enormous energies swirled though clouds as the rain began. The ocean boiled and heaved as though it were a boiling cauldron, waves crashing against sand, stone, wood, and steel in geysers of murky water. Sailors shouted over the howling winds as they lashed their craft tight, remarking on the suddenness of the gale, and citizens fled indoors like mice. All seemed well, until the thunderclap.

A brilliance that eclipsed daylight flooded the city for a brief moment as hundreds of bolts of lightning descended like a god's fury into Solinus. Where they struck they exploded, buildings and pavement erupting into scattered debris before the shocking report ripped through the streets. Thousands upon thousands of windows shattered at the mighty roar of thunder, and it was then that fear began to creep through the people of the city. They began to prepare for the worst, but by then...

It was far too late.

An eerie silence descended on the city, a deeper darkness creeping upon Solinus as a monstrous tsunami rose a mile offshore, rearing ever higher. At its peak, only the skyscrapers stood taller, and then only by half. With a low, rumbling groan, the wave struck shore. Everything in its path for the first half mile was simply decimated, hundreds of tons of water brutal leveling even the strongest of structures. A magnificent beachside hotel utterly erupted into the city from the strike. Lightning began to flash once more, hitting water as often as a building. Men, woman, and children barely had time to close their eyes before their lives were swept away in the thousands. At its climax, the fell wave had enveloped almost the entire area like a giant monster, maw greedily swallowing the multitude of souls it reaped.

And then it began to roll slowly back out to see, clouds shredding apart as if consuming themselves. Minute by minute, Solinus City's watery grave receded, uncovering the desolation of mass destruction. The coast was plainly bared, littered with deposited debris. Hundreds upon hundred of corpses were strewn about as if dropped by a careless child, buildings and streets wearing the look of a warzone. Yet where was the enemy? Where was the fell intent behind the cataclysm?

It shimmered in the afternoon sun where the beach ended. It's fluffy white decorations hung in the blue sky overhead. Its verdant green coated waved in the gentle breeze. Terra itself had reaped a terrible price, for the one who's very essence was chained to its heart had gone insane. Plures, the demon of the elements, was protector no longer. He had just become this world's greatest threat.


'And so it begins...brothers.' Cold, clicking laughter echoed in the void as thirteen screamed as one in anguish. Chains rattled about them, but were they held in hand by the bone spectre among them? The clatter of metal on bone, and then a fourteenth screamed as well. Chains bound both ways, it is said, but within the voice of one, it was not anguish. It was ecstasy.


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