Thursday, October 11, 2012

Security, Social Networks, and Education | Get Your Geek On!

computerWith today?s teachers and students joining social networks it?s not hard for either the teacher or the students to be caught up in the moment and forget that even though joining is education related, you are at the mercy of the social network not your school when it comes to your security on the site.? They have the say so.? They make the rules, they cause the problems when private information is leaked.? They also cause the problems of pictures that were meant to stay on your profile to be distributed to the masses on the Internet.? Yes you can take every precaution there is available to you on the social network.? But that is no guarantee it will stay private.?

Humans can be a silly species

You see? Humans are a peculiar bunch of individuals.? They tend to forget the past very easily when things go wrong, and information is leaked all over the Internet.?? They have this idea that they are invincible.? ?No! that wont happen to me, that will never happen to me.??? But the crazy thing is it?s probably already happen to them, they just ignored it, or put it in the back of their mind.?? Has it happened to you?? Yes it has.? When Facebook had their not so little glitch hundreds or thousands of members that had their profiles private were open to the public for the whole world to see.? The crazy thing that happen next was instead of people leaving in droves, they chose to stay, and Facebook got a spike in new memberships.

Before you go saying that the glitch was just a minor incident.? Just remember there has been many of these glitches.? You can see one here, and here there is this one, plus this one.? CBS said it best when they published an article on this very topic.? They listed several ways your profile can be at risk on Facebook.

? Your information is being shared with third parties

? Privacy settings revert to a less safe default mode after each redesign

? Facebook ads may contain malware

? Your real friends unknowingly make you vulnerable

? Scammers are creating fake profiles

Meanwhile back at home people are totally ignorant to what just happen to them .? But the fact is the risks on Facebook have happened time and time again.

Woe Education

Here comes educators signing up in droves followed by their students signing up in droves too.? It?s a cool thing to sign up at Facebook.? Yes I know the lure in doing this.? Everyone wants to be popular.? Everyone including the pet has an account on Facebook.? Babies have accounts too.? The last baby I saw on Facebook the parents were downright stupid.? If I could of reached through my monitor and slapped them I would of.? Why you ask?? Because the idiots put their child?s full name on the profile.? Plus the address, and the parents (full) names.? Why is this so bad?? Identity theft.? The thief has all the information they need thanks to the kids parents.? Of course this wont affect the parents ever not until baby grows up and hits the streets on their own, and finds out someone has been using their name and address for seventeen or eighteen years.? Now grown baby can?t get a College loan.

Anyways?enough of Facebook lets get back to education

Below is an infograph on posting in social networks.? It?s not just Facebook.? You need to be one step ahead of all of them.? Look at this and understand it.? If you have a problem look it up online.? I could post the nitty gritty here, but your better off looking this stuff up yourself because it will help you to retain it for later reference.?? Click on the picture to get a larger view.? Teachers you need to be aware of this.? Students you need to learn now that not everyone has your best interest at heart.? I don?t mean your teacher I mean the Internet in general.? The whole Internet is nothing but a money making machine for many.? Some will get rich regardless of whom they step on, or expose their private personal information and keep calling it a glitch when in fact it?s not.? They don?t care you are just a needle in a hay stack.? Facebook could lose hundreds of thousands of members next week, and it would not faze them.? They have over a billion members.

The truth is?

You need only to post as little as possible private information.? Use an old address, don?t be posting your wage earnings, don?t be flashy with what you own.? No full names.? Do not tag photos. No school names,? Leave those maps alone if you post often to those someone could eventually figure out where you live.? If you must use the maps use a time delay.? Like post after you have left, or have gotten home.? Not every time you go out. Use no maiden names.? Don?t upload your official signature.?? Try not to post pictures that have expensive valuables in the background.? No mascots, bus numbers, phone numbers, home address. Lets do our best to keep our students, and teachers safe on social networks.



INFOGRAPHIC: The Risk of Posting in Social Networks.

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