Monday, February 25, 2013

Gillmor Gang: Gangnam Style

gillmor-gang-test-pattern_excerptThe Gillmor Gang ? John Taschek, Robert Scoble, John Borthwick, and Steve Gillmor ? went bicoastal with @stevegillmor at @borthwick's Betaworks Studios in New York City. @scobleizer and @jtaschek held down the West Coast as it threatened to float away in Googlemania. With a touch Chromebook and a Google Glasses video surfacing, at least half the Gang is predicting Apple is in trouble. Certainly the Googlers get network while a Tim Cooked Apple gets supply chain, but who's to say (Scoble) that the fun ride is over for ownership of innovation. I think not, fascinated as I am with the amazing platform being nurtured around the iPad Mini and what it augurs for Apple's move to the streaming cloud.


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