Monday, February 11, 2013

Tips for Finding the Right Facebook Timeline Cover

If you are an active Facebook user then you might know about the Facebook Timeline Cover. Well even if you do not use it that often you might know about it. This new design of Facebook makes the profile look like a magazine that has got a nice front page. It will not be wrong to say that it has been designed to put the spotlight on the person who owns the profile. However, it all depends on you how you want to make use of the cover.

The Facebook Timeline seems to be similar to the header of a website. The cover area is not meant to promote any stuff, it just makes the profile more creative. You can use anything to make the profile attractive to the visitors. Images can speak louder than words and that's what you can do by using the cover.

If you are looking for a cover photos for your timeline then here are some of the tips for choosing the best cover:

  • If you are thinking that the cover photo is meant to display a bigger version of your profile picture then you are wrong. The profile picture and the cover photo need to be different.
  • Think of the cover photo as the billboard. The cover photo must be attention grabbing. The photo should be such that would make visitors learn more about you. You can create your very own personalized cover photo with Photoshop. However take care while you are personalizing your cover because cover photos are public and you may not want to put such a photo that could hurt your repute as your family, co-workers and boss might see it.
  • Create more than one cover photos at a time so that you can keep on updating them. You would not want your audience to get bored so make sure you have got plenty of pictures that you can use as cover photos.
  • If you are still confused about what kind of photo do I use for my cover then you can always check in the websites that are offering free timeline cover photos. There are such sites too that let you create your very own Facebook Timeline Cover. Some of the sites charge money for it while others are free. They certainly are a great source to create a nice cover.
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Apart from your own photo, the cover can also be used to express a thought. You can add a cover over which your favorite line or saying has been displayed. It is a nice thing to be used as a cover photo as it depicts the kind of personality you have. Nevertheless, whatever cover photo you choose, be sure it a nice one.


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