Thursday, January 31, 2013

Child with cancer plans charity fundraising night

AN 11-YEAR-OLD girl facing a third bone marrow transplant is taking time out to organise a fundraising night for four charities.

Bishop Wand schoolgirl Sophie Ryan-Palmer has been through an agonising 10-year journey but remains hopeful and is always seen sporting a smile.

The former Chennestone Primary School pupil was first diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) ? a blood cancer ? in 2003, aged two, and is now preparing to go back into the operating theatre and undergo a new clinical trial.

Her proud mother, Debbie Ryan, along with Sophie?s friends, Rachel Luke and Tiffany Jones, are helping the youngster hold a fundraising night for four charities close to her heart.

She is calling on the community to help by donating raffle prizes and on the night Sophie will have her hair shaved off in a bid to drum up as much support as possible for Children with Cancer, Anthony Nolan Trust, Rays of Sunshine and Charley Paige Trust.

Ms Ryan said: ?We are desperate for some raffle prizes and would like to raise as much money as possible for these charities so dear to Sophie?s heart.

?To get her hair shaved off for them is unbelievable as she has lost her hair so many times, which has not been easy for her, so to do this is a major thing and shows you what an inspirational child she is.

?I am so proud of her, knowing what a battle she has ahead of her and whatever I can do to help with the fundraising I will do.?

Sophie, of Rochester Avenue, Feltham, received the ?all clear? in March 2006 but the family?s happiness was short-lived when the cancer came back just before her sixth birthday.

Another round of chemotherapy in 2007 followed and the cancer went into remission in 2009.

Two years later, in June 2011, the leukaemia came back once more and after more treatment Sophie had a bone marrow transplant and was discharged from Great Ormond Street Hospital in January last year.

Speaking about the turbulent times, Ms Ryan added: ?We went into hospital in December 2011 and went through a bone marrow transplant. It was rather tough, ending up in ICU but we got through it. We had lots of tears, pain and laughter on the way.?

Sophie has chosen to take part in a new clinical trial called CD19, which requires her to have another bone marrow transplant at the end of next month. Doctors hope that the pioneering treatment will target the cancer cells directly and kill them where conventional treatment has been unsuccessful.

Since the first surgery, Sophie has won an award from Spelthorne Borough Council for triumph over adversity, made a new start at Bishop Wand CofE school in Layton?s Lane, Sunbury, and welcomed a new member to the family ? Happy the dog.

Throughout her illness, she has lived by the motto ?happy, happy, happy, fun, fun, fun ? always smile?.

Sophie celebrates her 12th birthday on Monday February 11.

The charity night will be held on Saturday February 23 at St Richard?s Church hall in Hanworth from 7.30pm to 11pm. Tickets cost ?5. Email To sponsor Sophie, visit


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