Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Tributes to football player, 30, who died after collapsing during match

TRIBUTES have been paid to an amateur footballer who died after collapsing suddenly during a game at the weekend.

Players were left in tears after Adam Bain fell ill during a Caledonian League match in the North Lanarkshire village of Gartcosh on Saturday afternoon.

The 30-year-old is thought to have suffered a suspected brain haemorrhage while playing for Gartcosh United AFC against Drumchapel FP. He was taken to Monklands General Hospital in Airdrie, but died on Sunday.

Figures from across the world of Scottish amateur football yesterday offered their condolences, and plans to hold a minute?s silence in memory of Mr Bain during fixtures this weekend are gathering pace.

Hundreds of supporters also left online tributes to the joiner, who recently moved to a new home in the nearby Moodiesburn area with his partner, Lisa.

It is understood that Mr Bain collapsed on the pitch following an accidental clash of heads with his goalkeeper. Other players tried to save the midfielder?s life as he lay on the grass, but to no avail.

Kris Adams, a 22-year-old firefighter who plays for Drumchapel, performed first aid on Mr Bain. He said last night: ?All we knew was that he was unconscious. So I gave him chest compressions because of my first aid training. I was only doing what anyone would do in that situation. I was trying to help. We?re all devastated.?

The match between the two teams was abandoned after Mr Bain collapsed, about 20 minutes after kick-off.

Yesterday, the football community was still struggling to come to terms with the news of his death. Gary Grahamslaw, the president of the Caledonian League, said: ?First and foremost, our condolences go to Adam?s family and friends at this incredibly sad time.

?We are very upset with this news and we will do all that we can to support the club in what they want to do.

?Everyone in amateur football across Scotland goes out every weekend to play for the love of the game. You never think anything like this will happen. I think the whole of the amateur football community will be in shock at this news.?

Mr Bain?s cousin, Steven, was one of many to take to social networking site Twitter to pay his respects. He wrote: ?R.I.P Adam Bain. You were a wonderful guy, loved by many and didn?t deserve this! Love and miss you. Sleep tight cousin.?

Drumchapel FP, meanwhile, tweeted: ?Life can be so cruel at times. Thoughts go out to all his family, friends and teammates. Absolutely gutted.?

Stewart Hegarty, the club secretary of Gartcosh United, said yesterday: ?Adam was a great guy and he will be very sadly missed.

?The boys are devastated and I can?t put it into words how we all feel.?


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